Good Online Resources

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This post talks about the online resources I like

  • (Traditional) Computer Vision and Robotics. Robotics: Vision Intelligence and Machine Learning

    I really liked some of the traditional techniques, especially for Image Carving and Image Morphing, but it barely covered any modern CV techniques (CNNs), and the math was pretty straight forward. The projects were written in Matlab, including the one with neural nets and reinforcement learning.

  • (Modern) Computer Vision and Deep Learning. CIS 680: Vision & Learning (Not Available Anymore)

    I studied the slides and completed the assignments (only 4) by myself in 2018. It was not easy to self-study because it required basic Pytorch knowledge and it took me a long time to start basic training. But the topics covered most of the hot topics in computer vision, such as Image Classification, Object Detection, Autoencoders, and GANs.

  • Deep Reinforcement Learning. CS285: Deep Reinforcement Learning

Good slides about stochastic optimization by Taiji Suzuki

Check this one when you feel bad about your Ph.D. career or your papers rejected.

Also check this NIPS Experiment, it’s pretty amazing.